Do you want to fly for free around the world year after year?

Passengers exiting airplane

Where to? Kenya? Nepal? Easter Island? No problem: Use your mileage!    Fly to almost anywhere for free? Do you think this is impossible? Absolutely not. Alex and I have been flying for free for over twenty years. Well, almost for free: we do have to pay airline and airport taxes. And this is how we did it…..

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The Best-Kept Secret in Rome: Maestro Enzo Samaritani and his Arciliuto Theater

Restaurant L' Arciliuto in Rome Italy

Rome has so much to offer! We were advised by our new Roman friend Marco, the owner of Arco dei Tolomei B&B in Trastevere, to celebrate Alex’s approaching milestone birthday at L’Arciliuto Teatro near Piazza Navona. “A very non-traditional place, “said Marco. “You will be enchanted.”  And we truly were.

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Travel Tips: Where to stay in Milan, Italy: it is all about choices

The Grand Duka Di York hotel, Milan, Italy, travel, global travel authors, tips

Milan is a big city and most travelers to Italy do not visit it, which is a pity. From the beautiful Duomo to SforzaCastle to – of course – The Last Supper and La Scalla, Milan has a lot to offer. We strongly advise you not to miss it in your Italian itinerary! However, museums, castles, and arguably the best opera house in the world are not the only attractions. The place where you stay can be a destination in its own right.

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Travel Tips: Where to find the best B&B in Rome, Italy

Arco dei Tolomei B&B, Rome, Italy

Alex and I are experienced travelers, travel consultants, writers, and photographers. Over the course of 30 years, our travels took us to more than 50 countries. BUT – we do not think we ever experienced the level of professionalism and sensitivity to clients’ needs and wants as we did at Arco dei Tolomei in Rome. The owners, Marco and Gianna, made us feel like we were old friends and the housekeeper Joseline was truly exceptional going above and beyond her regular duties of serving breakfast. She was humorous, attentive, and her smile lighted up the house.

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Finding Home away from Home – in Africa

Nairobi Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, Kenya

We were travelling all day: through the exotic strangeness of the Zanzibar Stone Town to the Nairobi airport’s thick mess of people and suitcases, sickening smells and deafening noises. Then again, through the traffic and dust and darkness of Nairobi streets, until all of sudden, like a mirage in the wilderness, we saw a brilliantly lit Jewish star. “Are you meeting with Barbara?” a voice asked. We were.

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What does it take to preserve Jewish identity if you are a Chinese Jew?

Irene Shaland and Mr. Jin at Jewish Cemetery in Kaifeng, China

October 2012, Again – Kaifeng, China. We are at the oldest Jewish burial place in China – with Mr. Jin in front of his life-long project, his family memorial. Our new friend dedicated his life savings and his entire life to create this marble memorial book which presents – engraved in English on one side and in Chinese on another – the 900-year story of Mr. Jin’s family within the context of Chinese history.

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History of Confucian Synagogue in Kaifeng, China

Irene Shaland in Kayfeng, China

We visited this synagogue in Kaifeng in October 2012. On the photo you can see how  Irene hurriedly writes, Esther, a Founder and Director of the Kaifeng Jewish History Memorial Center, tells the story of her forebears. On the wall, is the 18th- century rendering of Kaifeng synagogue.  For anyone who visited the Forbidden City in Beijing and at least a temple or two elsewhere in China, the synagogue rendering reminds of the country’s typical residential or religious compounds.

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