Villa Romana del Casale located in Piazza Armerina in the Sicilian heartland is a not-to-be missed site for all history and art enthusiasts. Covered by layers of mud for 700 years, rediscovered in 1950, and reopened in 2003 after over forty years of reconstruction, the Villa is a treasure trove of the best Roman mosaics in existence today.
It is believed to be built in Sicily in the 4th century AD by Marcus Aurelius Maximianus who was Roman co-emperor during the reign of Diocletian (286-305 AD). Even by decadent Roman standards of that time, this Villa was over-the-top sumptuous dwelling with bright glittering mosaics covering an entire floor surface. These mosaics were created in a realistic style, narrative in nature and provide a rare insight into the 3rd century Roman life style. We as visitors are granted a unique opportunity to delight in the kaleidoscope of Roman life celebrated right in front of us: from fashions, massage, and lovemaking, to hunting, sports, and transportation.
