Free In-Person Event in Cleveland, Ohio

Text by: Irene Shaland and Artists Archives of the Western Reserve
Saturday, June 1st, 1:00 – 2:30 pm: The Mosaic of Singapore with Irene Shaland
Location: Artists Archives of the Western Reserve, 1834 East 123rd St. Cleveland, Ohio 44106
Register for this FREE IN-PERSON event: Link to Registration
Travel with Irene Shaland to one of the most amazing destinations in Asia for history and art aficionados: a small city-state of Singapore. Bustling, cosmopolitan, artsy, trendy, modern, clean, and orderly, Singapore plays an important part on the world’s financial and political stage. Ethnically and religiously diverse, this city-state is a true microcosm of tolerance and inclusiveness, unique in our world today.
Discover the fascinating story of the uniquely Singaporean world: composed of a mosaic of cultures: Chinese, Malaysian, Indian, Armenian, Persian, Jewish, Arabic, and European – this is a world like no other. A country of immigrants, Singapore is called a nation of cultures. Unnoticed by many visitors, the streets of Singapore can double as a museum of modern and contemporary art, while the city skyline displays cutting-edge architecture.
This event is free of charge and will be held at the AAWR gallery. Immediately following the program, a small sampling of authentic food from Singapore, courtesy of Dang Good Foods will be served.
Register for this FREE IN-PERSON event: Link to Registration

Sounds exciting